
~all over the earth & 
~all over the world &
~the  world  over
in many parts of the world; in every country or area of the world; everywhere
~all the way
from the beginning to the end; the entire distance, from start to finish
~bag and baggage
with one’s luggage; with all one’s possessions(в полной боевой выкладке, со всеми пожитками)
~break camp
(проживать временно без удобств, располагаться лагерем,  расквартировываться)
~come from far and wide

~come to rest
to close down a campsite; to pack up and move on
~downhill all the way
easy all the way
~drop around (sometime) &
~drop around & 
~drop by
to come and visit (someone) at some future time
~drop in on someone &  
~drop in & 
~drop in to say hello
to pay someone a casual visit, perhaps a surprise visit
~end of the road &  
~end of the line
the end; the end of the whole process; death (line originally referred to railroad tracks)
~every which way
in all directions
~find one’s way (around) & 
~find one’s way
to be able to move about an area satisfactorily
~get back
to return (from some place)
~get something underway
to get something started
~get underway
to start moving; to start (the word get can be replaced with be)
~know one’s way around & 
~know one’s way about
to know how to get from one place to another
~lead the way
to lead (someone) along the proper pathway
~lose your bearings
to become confused about where you are or what you should do next
~part company (with someone)
to leave someone; to depart from someone
~pick one’s way(пробираться)
to move along a route full of obstacles
~round-trip ticket (Am.)& 
~return-ticket (Br.)
a ticket (for a plane, train, bus, etc.) which allows one to go to a destination and return
~see someone home(провожать)
to accompany someone home
~set sail (for somewhere)
to depart in a boat for somewhere
~settle down
to settle into a stable way of life
~spin ones wheels(AmE-буксовать, пробуксовывать, не двигаться с места)
to be in motion, but get nowhere
~take a walk & take a hike
to leave somewhere
~the world is your oyster (Ты - хозяин собственной судьбы.)
used to tell someone that there is no limit to the opportunities that they have
~to take a compass
bearing (азимут, направление)
to take a direction or angle as shown by a compass
"When in Rome do as the Romans do."
a proverb meaning that one should behave in the same way that the local people behave
1. People say: “There is no place like home.” Yet a lot of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. What makes them leave their homes and go to faraway places?
2. “Each journey is the penetration into the world of beauty and importance.” Speak about your personal experience of a journey which has really impressed you.
3. If you could travel to just one place in the world where would you go? Give your reasons.
4. Travelling broadens one’s outlook and knowledge. Do you share this opinion? Give your reasons.
 Idioms & Fixed Phrases  p.27
~ to be  on / in the cards — возможно, вероятно
~ for a good cause - на благое дело; во благо
~ to make sth clear  — прояснить смысл чего-либо
~ to have one's head in the clouds, to be in the clouds — витать в облаках
~ to get hot under the collar — рассердиться, выйти из себя
Life is sweet.                             Жизнь прекрасна.
Life is made up of little things. Жизнь состоит из мелочей.
Life is not a bed of roses.          Жизнь- не ложе из роз.
                                                  Жизнь прожить- не поле перейти.
Life is not all  cake and ale.      Жизнь-это не только пироги и пиво. 
                                                  Век долог - всем полон.   
Life is a stage, so learn to play your role.
Life is not all clear sailing in calm waters.
Life is but a span.                     Жизнь коротка.
                                                 Уходит день, не привяжешь за плетень.
                                                 Век долог, да час короток.
Live and let live .                     Сам живи и другим не мешай.
                                                 Живи и  жить давай другим.
Live and learn.                         Век живи. век учись.


Life’s  made  for  living,
And  giving  and  sharing,
Knowing  and  showing,
And  daring  and  caring.
Life’s  made  for  doing,
Pursuing  of  dreams,
Sowing  and  growing,
Whatever  the  means
Revealing  and  feeling,
And  finding  that  you
Must  learn  how  to  take  it,
To  learn  it  come  true.
Along  with  its  ups,
In  spite  of  its  downs,
Life’s  made  of  losses,
And  crosses  and  crowns.

Grace E. Easley

Love is …. being glad to see you any time
                                 Love is... never feeling like saying good-bye.